Monday, November 2, 2009

Talking Points # 7

I have mixed feelings for separating girls and boys in the classroom. I was never in an all girl school so i cant really say if it would have helped me out in school or not. I think i did well in school and i do fine in school now too. I think in a middle school setting it may help out a lot more. They are older they are acknowledging their likes and dislikes about girls or boys. I think middle school is that awkward stage for a lot of kids. In this video they talk to a middle school girl who says she likes not being with the boys in class and that it has helped out the students with their grades. I do see the issue though is the social aspect of this all. Girls and boys needs to be able to interact with one another. When they go out in the real world there isn't many professions where its only girls or only boys. Everywhere we go there will always be both genders around and i think it is good to be able to know how to work and communicate with females and males.

Really good article on a single sex school in California, i think it gave me a better understand in single sex schools and their importance in them. I have become a more open minded on single sex schools. I mean im not gonna go out there and put myself in one but i mean i can see why some children would want to go to one or might need to go to one.


  1. I was just looking at the negative aspect of this opinion until i read your blog. You are right, some students might actually enjoy and want to be placed in single sex schools.

  2. i like how you display views from both points. they both have there positives and negatives.

  3. I really like how you set this up too. It is hard to say whether the positives outweigh the negatives or vise versa. It is important to look at both sides of the argument.

  4. Like the others commented it is always to look at both sides of an argument. This must always be done before making a decision. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I def. like how you set it up.

  5. I too had a mind-opening experience after reading articles/watching videos about single-sex schools and classrooms. I never realized that some students would have positive views on gender separation. However, I personally still disagree with it.

  6. I like that you included both sides of the argument.
