Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Promising Practices

I woke up at 6:40 that morning and really didn't feel like waking up and going to this on a Saturday morning not going to lie about that, i didn't know what to really expect from it. When i got there i was tired and hungry so it didn't help. But a lot of us from class sat together and i thought that was great!
The first one i went to was called Improving Inclusion in Classroom Interaction and i get there and the lady who is the speaker has a monotone voice, it kind of made it hard to want to pay attention, but what we talked about was very interesting. She ended up changing the title to Engaging Interaction in a Classroom. I was kind of upset about that at first because i wanted to know about inclusion classes because im a special ed major i thought it would help out a lot. But as she started talking the whole power point helped out still!! She gave stats on interaction in a classroom in the 4th, 6th and 8th grade there is 25% of no interaction with the teacher. Then said when students enter college there is a 50% no interaction with the teacher!!! You never realize that until now, it really is true i mean not for everyone but a lot of people go to class do what they have to do and that's it. She gave us a website to better our knowledge for the classroom.

We talked about gender interaction as well. That boys contribute more, they have extreme dominance. They are talkative and are given more science demos. On the other hand girls, contribute less, when they participate give statements of facts. This session was most like Delpit, teacher treat boys and girls differently which isn't fair. Also, relates with privilege exists, the boys in the classroom receive more privileges than the girls. Another ting that teachers need to work on is selecting girls and boys to answer questions equally. They tend to give mroe feed back to males. Females ask for more help then males. Girls are ignored more then 2x more which is completelyyyyy not fair!!!!! SO WHAT? we can have more balanced participation. we can have sensitivity to culture and gender and other things!It also relates to Carlson because girls are invisible and being lost int he background og the classroom. It's not their faults either. And im sure the teachers do not do this intentionally.

The second session i went on as called Working with students with Attention Issues. This session helped me out a lot since i am a special ed major. She gave us ways on handling and helping out the students with attention issues. Always have their attention, try to remove unnecessary noise, be consistent, provide a classroom buddy, and always repeat directions, those are some ways to have a better classroom. She left us with the best quotes ever "This is the only time in your life when you're expected to be good at everything" I thought this was a great quote because it is an eye opening thought. It is so true in school you really have to be good at everything because we dont get graded for trying we have to pass. We have to still take the class and pass it!! Tricia Rose's speech was amazinggggggg!!! I thought she really knew what she was tlaking about and was great with relating to the people she was tlakign to. Because at promising practices there was soo many different ages there and she still related everything. I thought she had a lot of great things to say!!! It was a great experience to have gone to! =]


  1. Liz, I like the quote you highlighted. I am not good at everything and that explains why I am old and still in college.

  2. Nice job describing the day and all that you got out of it - you were so specific in naming what you learned that I learned fro you as well! You make good connections to 2 of our class authors and I like the 3 links you chose as well! I hope you will go to Promising Practices again next year!!
