Monday, November 30, 2009

Talking Points # 10


1."Competition encourages people to survey other people’s differences for potential weak spots... We learn to ascribe winner or loser status based on certain perceived overt characteristics…"

This quote really made me think about the whole concept of competition, especially in a school setting. Competition is commonly used as a tool to encourage students to do well. The students will strive to win they want to notoriety or maybe a reward. But, the competition shouldn't be the only reason for the students to try. And competition can also have negative consequences. What happens to the students that don't "win"? This could leave them with a feeling of inadequacy. That status of winner of loser could really effects a student's self esteem.

2. "In school and society, the lack of meaningful participation alienates workers, teachers, and students."

I'm sure that we have all had "that kid" in every one of our classes that you don't hear a word from. Lack of participation is seen every single day in the classroom. That kid that doesn't say a word could be one of the brightest kids in the class, but you would never know it because he or she chooses not to actively participate in the class. Not only is that lack of participation effecting their education and possibly their grade, but it also effects them as a member of society. The lack of drive to speak out and participate could mean that the student is too afraid or shy to speak. And with that alienation, they may never really branch out and flourish like they could if they were pushed to participate.

3. "Most kids like the sound of their home language better.... We talk about why it might be necessary to learn standard english...."

Referring back to Collier, she understood and embraced the fact that most students that spoke a foreign language liked and wanted to speak that language. She thought that these students should never neglect the fact that they speak another language, and she was supportive of these students. But, on the other hand, Rodriguez, wasn't as fortunate, and he had to compromise his first language for the english language. He had to completely abandon his way of life to fit into his class, he wasn't able to balance his own language and the English language. I think it's important to embrace your hertiage and your native language, and to keep that apart of your identity, but I also think that it is so necessary to know the English language as well in today's society. Being bilingual is actually a really big plus.

I think this article was far too long. It was definitely hard to stay focused and pay attention throughout the whole article. But, despite the length, I think that article made some pretty good and valid points. I found that a lot of these points were applicable to every day life situations, in and out of the classroom.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Talking Points # 9


1. "Now we know that people with disabilities can learn and have a full, rich life. The challenge is to erase negative attitudes about people with developmental disabilities, get rid of the stereotypes and break the barriers for people with disabilities."

I do think a lot of people need to work on changing the negative attitudes they have about. Many people with disabilities are capable of doing the same things that people without disabilities can do. I don't think a lot of people see it that way though. They may learn at a different pace then we do but they are still learning and doing the best they can do.

2. " If you came into the room and were told there was a retarded child in the class, a child with special needs, i don't think you you would pick lee out. The kids really agree that he's as capable as they are. Intellectually the same."

First off, i dont like that it uses the word retarded...I learned that in my sped 300 class about usage of the word and i have changed my thoughts on that. I mean sometimes i will till say the word but caught myself right now. it really is a bad habit with using that word. I think that a lot of people need to work on that too! It can be hard because we really don't think about it that much. I really like how they say though that he is exactly the same as everyone else in the class!!!

3. "We are all just the same! Drink together, eat together, laugh contagious together....we been learning about life together."

I think this quote is just amazing. I wish everyone could see it like that..there is no difference in any person. I know it can be hard for kids to understand but i really feel like their afraid of certain things because they just don't know about them or maybe they were brought up taught being afraid.

I really liked reading this article i thought it was great!!!! Especially because my major is special education and im taking my sped 300 class so i am learning a lot of disabilities and i can relate to this now and really understand the article.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Promising Practices

I woke up at 6:40 that morning and really didn't feel like waking up and going to this on a Saturday morning not going to lie about that, i didn't know what to really expect from it. When i got there i was tired and hungry so it didn't help. But a lot of us from class sat together and i thought that was great!
The first one i went to was called Improving Inclusion in Classroom Interaction and i get there and the lady who is the speaker has a monotone voice, it kind of made it hard to want to pay attention, but what we talked about was very interesting. She ended up changing the title to Engaging Interaction in a Classroom. I was kind of upset about that at first because i wanted to know about inclusion classes because im a special ed major i thought it would help out a lot. But as she started talking the whole power point helped out still!! She gave stats on interaction in a classroom in the 4th, 6th and 8th grade there is 25% of no interaction with the teacher. Then said when students enter college there is a 50% no interaction with the teacher!!! You never realize that until now, it really is true i mean not for everyone but a lot of people go to class do what they have to do and that's it. She gave us a website to better our knowledge for the classroom.

We talked about gender interaction as well. That boys contribute more, they have extreme dominance. They are talkative and are given more science demos. On the other hand girls, contribute less, when they participate give statements of facts. This session was most like Delpit, teacher treat boys and girls differently which isn't fair. Also, relates with privilege exists, the boys in the classroom receive more privileges than the girls. Another ting that teachers need to work on is selecting girls and boys to answer questions equally. They tend to give mroe feed back to males. Females ask for more help then males. Girls are ignored more then 2x more which is completelyyyyy not fair!!!!! SO WHAT? we can have more balanced participation. we can have sensitivity to culture and gender and other things!It also relates to Carlson because girls are invisible and being lost int he background og the classroom. It's not their faults either. And im sure the teachers do not do this intentionally.

The second session i went on as called Working with students with Attention Issues. This session helped me out a lot since i am a special ed major. She gave us ways on handling and helping out the students with attention issues. Always have their attention, try to remove unnecessary noise, be consistent, provide a classroom buddy, and always repeat directions, those are some ways to have a better classroom. She left us with the best quotes ever "This is the only time in your life when you're expected to be good at everything" I thought this was a great quote because it is an eye opening thought. It is so true in school you really have to be good at everything because we dont get graded for trying we have to pass. We have to still take the class and pass it!! Tricia Rose's speech was amazinggggggg!!! I thought she really knew what she was tlaking about and was great with relating to the people she was tlakign to. Because at promising practices there was soo many different ages there and she still related everything. I thought she had a lot of great things to say!!! It was a great experience to have gone to! =]

Monday, November 9, 2009

Talking Points # 8


1. "The children had no access to materials. These were handed out by teachers and closely guarded. Things in the room "belonged" to the teacher: "Bob, bring me my garbage can.""

- It shows the difference of how students were treated depending upon their class. Things such as the way the teacher talked with the students. And the fact that they didn't trust them with the materials in the classroom. In a classroom any student should be able to have access to any of the appropriate materials.

2. " Instead, the teachers said, "Shut up," "Shut your mouth," "Open your books," "Throw your gum away-if you want to rot your teeth, do it on your own time.""

- I cant even imagine anyone talking to their students like this??! It is a horrible way of communication and it unfair to the students. If you do not respect the students they will not respect you back.

3. "Most lessons are based on the textbook. This does not involve a critical perspective on what is given there. For example, a critical perspective in social studies is perceived as dangerous by these teachers because it may lead to controversial topics; the parents might complain. The children, however, are often curious especially in social studies. Their questions are tolerated and usually answered perfunctorily. But after a few minutes the teacher will say, "All right, we're not going any farther. Please open your social studies workbook." While the teachers spend a lot of time explaining and expanding on what the textbooks say, there is little attempt to analyze how or why things happen, or to give thought to how pieces of a culture, or, say, a system of numbers or elements of a language fit together or can be analyzed."

- I can not even imagine a teacher not explaining the lesson or answering the students' questions. As a teacher you want to open the students mind with knowledge! How can a teacher really just be like alright lets not go any further?? The teacher is not doign her job she is only doing the bare minimum. Sometimes i think it is better for certain subjects to move out the textbook and can actually help the students learn more.

Overall, i really didn't enjoy reading this article. I can not believe teachers would speak to their students this way!! it makes me vbery upset to even think any teacher would do such a thing. I never had any teachers that way and i cant see why a teacher would want to be this way with her class in the first place!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Talking Points # 7

I have mixed feelings for separating girls and boys in the classroom. I was never in an all girl school so i cant really say if it would have helped me out in school or not. I think i did well in school and i do fine in school now too. I think in a middle school setting it may help out a lot more. They are older they are acknowledging their likes and dislikes about girls or boys. I think middle school is that awkward stage for a lot of kids. In this video they talk to a middle school girl who says she likes not being with the boys in class and that it has helped out the students with their grades. I do see the issue though is the social aspect of this all. Girls and boys needs to be able to interact with one another. When they go out in the real world there isn't many professions where its only girls or only boys. Everywhere we go there will always be both genders around and i think it is good to be able to know how to work and communicate with females and males.

Really good article on a single sex school in California, i think it gave me a better understand in single sex schools and their importance in them. I have become a more open minded on single sex schools. I mean im not gonna go out there and put myself in one but i mean i can see why some children would want to go to one or might need to go to one.